Apps for WGs: Finance, organisation, shopping & more

7 August 2023
Apps for WGs: Finance, organisation, shopping & more

Shared flats are great and offer many advantages, especially in big cities with high rents. Not only can the costs for rent, utilities, internet, electricity and more be shared, the responsibilities can also be better managed. Instead of having your own flat, you only have to maintain part of the shared flat. 

Even today, these responsibilities were still recorded with pen and paper – fortunately, there are now apps that make planning and managing much easier – whether it’s cleaning schedules, organisation and management, finances or shopping apps. With these apps, you’ll be on the right side and avoid disputes and a bad mood in the flat-sharing community.

Finance apps for shared flats

In addition to organisational matters, financial aspects must not go unmentioned: How do I keep track of shared accounts? How are expenses for parties, joint activities and purchases divided up and paid for? This is where finance apps come into play. The following apps give you an overview of your finances – either for you, for you and your partner or for joint accounts, depending on your living situation. If you want to know more about each app, you can read our article on the best budgeting apps.

Moneycontrol Budget BookDownload for iOSDownload for Android
BudgetCHDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Wallet – Personal FinanceDownload for iOSDownload for Android
My Budget BookDownload for iOSDownload for Android
SayMoney – Budget BookDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Our budget bookNot available for iOSDownload for Android
Tricount – Parts IssuesDownload for iOSDownload for Android

Cleaning plans, task assignments and organisation apps

Part of every cohabitation is also the division of responsibilities: Who takes out the rubbish? Who cleans the shared rooms? Fortunately, there are organisational apps that keep everyone on the same page. 

App nameiOSAndroid
TrelloDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Flatastic – The Household AppDownload for iOSDownload for Android
NotionDownload for iOSDownload for Android
FamilyWall – Family organisationDownload for iOSDownload for Android

Note apps

Organisational apps always need someone to maintain them. Therefore, if you are looking for something simpler to record things together, you should take a look at the following note apps. They are suitable for collaboration if the flatmates use smartphones with different operating systems.

App nameiOSAndroid
Notebooks – Notes, To-Do, JournalDownload for iOSDownload for Android
SimplenoteDownload for iOSDownload for Android
NotionDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Google KeepDownload for iOSDownload for Android

Calendar apps

Whether birthdays, absences, parties or simply rubbish days – shared calendars ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding appointments. 

App nameiOSAndroid
TimeTree: Shared calendarDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Calendar.digitalDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Google CalendarDownload for iOSDownload for Android
FamilyWall – Family organisationDownload for iOSDownload for Android

Shopping apps

Every shared flat is different. In some, everyone is responsible for themselves, while in others, cooking together is part of the flat-sharing DNA. If you live in a shared flat where you shop together, then the following shopping apps may be recommended for you.

App nameiOSAndroid
Bring! Shopping List & RecipesDownload for iOSDownload for Android
The shopping listDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Stock, stock, shopping lists  Not available for iOSDownload for Android
Listonic: – Shopping listDownload for iOSDownload for Android
FamilyWall – Family organisationDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Flatastic – The Household AppDownload for iOSDownload for Android

Inventory apps

When flat shares are newly founded, the following question arises: Who brings in which furniture? Whether it’s the fridge, the washing machine or perhaps the PlayStation in the shared living room: inventory apps are suitable for ensuring that there are no disputes or problems in the event of moving out or damage.

The takes a different approach and catalogues your food supplies. 

App nameiOSAndroid
Home ContentsDownload for iOSNot available for Android
Pantry.AppDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Nest Egg – InventoryDownload for iOSNot available for Android
BoxOrganizer – InventoryDownload for iOSNot available for Android
House Inventory – ItemtopiaDownload for iOSDownload for Android
Housebook – Home InventoryDownload for iOSDownload for Android

Conclusion: Apps save you time and money – just like with alao

Are you paying too much for your mobile phone subscription but don’t want to make the effort to change? On alao, you can find your perfect subscription with just a few clicks and conclude it quickly and easily online. If you have any questions, our support team is available 7 days a week via email, live chat or phone. This article was last updated on 14 December 2024.

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