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yallo Mobile Subscription Comparison

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yallo Mobile Subscription Comparison

yallo at a Glance

Yallo is a subsidiary of Sunrise UPC and was founded in 2005. Yallo customers can use Sunrise's 4G, 4G+ and 5G network. This is along with the Swisscom network considered the best network in Switzerland. However, the 5G network is only included in the expensive premium. 






4G/ 4G+

• 96 % 4G network coverage

• 85 % 4G+ network coverage

• Very good coverage in cities



 80% 5G network coverage from Sunrise

 No 5G+





Internet connection

• Unstable wifi due to use of 4G and 5G network.

• Fiber Box for ultra-fast Internet at home




 Already included in many subscriptions


TV Box

280+ channels with possibility to buy optional packages.


Subscription period

0-24 months


Customer service

Insufficient according to customer reviews


Notice period

2 months to each months end


Termination type

By phone or online chat


Special subscriptions

Many subscriptions with roaming and calls abroad


Check yallo coverage

Check availability

yallo Customer Service

If you have any questions, please contact yallo's customer service. You can reach them in three different ways: 

yallo Telephone hotline

You can contact yallo customer service via the telephone hotline at 0900 00 44 88 in Switzerland or via +41 (0) 44 525 01 20 abroad. Each call costs CHF 1.50. According to reviews, the hotline is not well staffed. It may take several attempts to reach someone. In addition, the information provided by the employees is not very helpful. yallo's customer service is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm

yallo Customer Service Chat

According to yallo, the fastest way to reach their customer service is via chat. You can enter the chat on their website via a button at the bottom right. The chat is open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm. 

Contact form

Alternatively, you can contact customer service via a contact form on the yallo website. Here, a member of the customer service team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.



Average waiting time 



Telephone hotline

CH: 0900 00 44 88


+41 (0) 44 525 01 20

May take several call attempts before answering. 

CHF 1.50/call


Not well staffed, difficult to reach. 

Is often forwarded to other responsible parties for a fee.

Customer service representatives do not provide information well


Accessible on the website at the bottom right. 

Up to several hours

Free of charge

Must wait for hours to problem handled by an employee. 

Contact form

Accessible on the website. 

No data

Free of charge

No data


yallo Network Coverage

Yallo is a subsidiary of Sunrise and uses the Sunrise network. Sunrise is the second-largest mobile network operator in Switzerland. The two providers mainly differ in their target groups and price structures. yallo aims to be a cost-effective alternative to Sunrise and therefore primarily appeals to price-conscious consumers. 

Sunrise, on the other hand, positions itself as a premium provider with a wide range of services ranging from cell phone subscriptions, Internet subscriptions and TV subscriptions. The biggest difference between yallo and Sunrise is the customer service and additional services, which include, for example, VIP access to events. If you want extensive customer service and additional services, then check out the Sunrise Mobile subscriptions

As with the cell phone subscription, the company also positions itself as a premium service provider with the Sunrise Internet subscriptions, for example when it comes to special business services. The higher quality of service plays a role as a strong argument. If you are looking for an internet subscription that offers premium quality and high quality of service, then check out Sunrise internet subscriptions.

Sunrise 4G and 4G+ network coverage

In 2019, Sunrise had already achieved nationwide 4G coverage of 96% of the Swiss population. For 4G+, the figure is 85%.

Sunrise 5G network coverage

Sunrise has a 5G network coverage of 80%. As early as 2018, Sunrise began expanding its 5G network and in 2022 already provided 1132 cities and towns with high-speed internet. The network provider is concentrating on first supplying households and companies with 5G that do not yet have a fiber-optic connection and thus still have access to super-fast Internet. Check our network coverage map, to see the coverage in your area.

yallo Cancellation

You may consider to cancel your yallo mobile subsription for different reasons. In every case there are different things to consider. yallo handles all mobile, internet and TV cancellations over the phone and via online chat. yallo no longer accepts a written cancellation by mail. 

The most important thing to note about yallo is the minimum contract duration. You can find out what else you need to watch out for here. 

Cancellation of a yallo cell phone subscription


Free of charge from

Notice period

Any penalty fee 

To note

By phone at: 

0840 00 33 77

(CHF 1.50/call)

Via chat on 

After expiry of the minimum contract period 

2 months to each months end

In case of termination before the minimum contract period: Monthly basic fees until the regular termination date plus a handling fee of CHF 100 apply. 

• Alternatively, you can pause your yallo subscription for 12 months.

• alao takes care of the cancellation stress-free for you

You can easily cancel a yallo subscription via the customer service hotline 0840 00 33 77 or the chat at There, it will be explained to you how to proceed.

What you need to know when canceling your yallo contract

Cell phone subscriptions can only be canceled free of charge after the minimum contract period has expired. After that, yallo's general cancellation period of 2 months applies to the end of each month. However, there is no minimum contract period for most yallo subscriptions. Therefore, you are relatively flexible in the termination. If you cancel a subscription with a minimum contract period prematurely, you have to pay the monthly basic fees until the regular cancellation date as well as a handling fee of CHF 100.

If you use more than one service from yallo, make sure you specify the correct subscription when canceling. You can also cancel multiple services at the same time, but the deadlines may vary depending on the subscription. To find out the correct cancellation date for your services, yallo offers an online cancellation period calculator on their website. 

This is what you should do when you change your subscription

You want to switch to a new provider and keep your number? Then you should not simply cancel your current subscription. If the subscription is cancelled first and the switch is made later, your phone number may be lost and can no longer be reactivated. So before you cancel, you should ask the new provider to take over your phone number. In most cases, the new provider will then also take over the cancellation of your cell phone subscription with yallo, but here, too, the minimum contract period and notice periods must be observed. If you no longer need your number anyway, you can simply cancel it directly. 

Alternative: pause yallo subscription

With yallo, you have another option besides canceling your cell phone subscription: You can pause the subscription for up to 12 months. No costs will be incurred during this time. To do so, please contact yallo customer service. 

Cancellation yallo Home Subscription


Free of charge from

Notice period

Any penalty fee 

To note

By phone at: 

0840 00 33 77

(CHF 1.50/call)


Via chat on 

24 months

2 months to each month end

In case of termination before the minimum contract period: Monthly basic fees until the regular termination date plus a handling fee of CHF 100. 

• If you move, you will receive a new Home Fiber Box. Return the old box to yallo. 

• It is not possible to change the owner. The subscription must be cancelled and reactivated. 

The yallo Home Fiber subscription includes Internet and TV, yet the cancellation is no more complicated than that of a cell phone subscription. Here, too, the cancellation can be done either via a chargeable hotline - 0840 00 33 77 (CHF 1.50/call) - or via online chat. 

Fees for yallo Home cancellation

In order for the termination to be free of charge, the minimum contract period must be taken into account. This is 24 months for yallo Home Fiber. The subscription can be terminated at the end of the contract at the earliest and has a notice period of 2 months to the end of each month. If you terminate the contract prematurely, you will have to pay the monthly basic fees until the regular termination date as well as a handling fee of CHF 100.

Transfer yallo Home subscription to a third party instead of cancellation

It is not possible to change the holder. The product (yallo Home Max Fiber) must be cancelled and reactivated. In this case, please contact our relations team:

What happens to your yallo Home subscription when you move house?

In the event of a move, yallo Home Fiber cannot be transferred to a new holder. To do this, the subscription must first be canceled and then reactivated. Instead, you simply take your yallo Fiber Box with you to your new place of residence. However, you will be sent a new box. Return the old box to yallo at the following address: 

yallo c/o ALSO Switzerland

Meierhofstrasse 3

6032 Emmen

When moving, it is important to inform yallo in good time. The line at your new address must first be ordered and confirmed. Therefore, inform yallo between 3 and 6 weeks before the move. 

Return yallo Home Fiber Box

A yallo Home Fiber Box can only be used with the yallo Home MAx Fiber product. If you cancel the subscription, the box is no longer useful. Return it to yallo by mail and they will take care of the proper disposal and recycling. Send the box after consultation with yallo: 

yallo c/o ALSO Switzerland

Meierhofstrasse 3

6032 Emme

yallo Roaming Options and Prices

Travel Surf: Postpaid options
valid for 12 months

Region A

Region A

Region A


500 MB

2 GB

CHF 20.-

CHF 40.-

CHF 80.-

Region B

Region B


100 MB

500 MB


CHF 30.-

CHF 70.-


Region C


100 MB


CHF 50.-




Travel Surf 3 Days

Travel Surf 30 Days




Valid in

Zone 1

Zone 1


3 days

30 days


CHF 20.-

CHF 50.-


Prepaid options:

Region A

Region A

Region A


500 MB

2 GB

CHF 25.-

CHF 50.-

CHF 100.-



Travel Surf 3 Days

Travel Surf 7 Days

Travel Surf 30 Days





Valid in

Zone 1

Zone 1

Zone 1


3 days

7 days

30 days


CHF 20.-

CHF 30.-

CHF 50.-/month



Valid for 12 months


Zone 1


60 min. phone calls abroad




CHF 10.-



Standard tariffs Roaming yallo


Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3


Incoming calls:


Calls local + to Switzerland 


Incoming calls:


Calls local + to Switzerland 


Incoming calls:


Calls local + to Switzerland 




incoming SMS free of charge


incoming SMS free of charge


incoming SMS free of charge









yallo Mobile Phone Subscription Offers

yallo offers cell phone subscriptions ranging from entry-level subscriptions and packages with extra data volume to the yallo international subscription with a phone flat rate abroad. The special thing about yallo mobile subscriptions is that there is no minimum contract term. This means you have full flexibility. Below is an overview of the yallo mobile subscriptions. The following is an overview of the yallo mobile subscriptions.

yallo Swiss

With the yallo mobile phone subscription yallo Swiss you can surf unlimitedly in Switzerland and get 1.5 GB of high-speed internet per month. You can also make unlimited calls and texts within Switzerland. The yallo swiss subscription has no minimum contract term.

yallo International

With the yallo International subscription, you get unlimited surfing every month throughout Switzerland and 3 GB roaming in Europe. In addition, you can make unlimited calls in Switzerland and the EU and text all over the world. yallo International has no minimum contract period.

yallo Swiss Plus

With yallo Swiss Plus, you can make unlimited calls and text to all Swiss networks every month. You also get 4 GB of data volume for surfing in Switzerland every month. In Europe, you have 1 GB of data and 100 call minutes at your disposal every month. yallo Swiss Plus has no minimum contract period.

Yallo fat plus

With the yallo fat plus you can surf unlimitedly in the 4G+ network every month and receive 3 GB of data roaming in the EU per month. You can make free calls anywhere in Switzerland. The subscription also includes 100 minutes of calls to the EU and 300 minutes of calls to the corresponding EU country.

yallo flat + 3GB roaming

With flat + 3 GB roaming you get unlimited data volume in the 4G+ network and unlimited calls in Switzerland. You also get 3 GB of data per month within the EU. The contract has no minimum term.

yallo Smart Europe

With the yallo Smrt Europe you can surf and make unlimited calls in Switzerland. Every month you get 5GB of EU data. There is no minimum contract period.



flat + 3 GB roaming

fat plus

superfat XXL



1.5 GB high-speed Internet

High-speed Internet

High-speed Internet

High-speed Internet



Unlimited Internet (after 1.5 GB reduced speed of 256 kbit/s)

Unlimited Internet

1GB Internet

5GB Internet



Roaming not included

3 GB Roaming/month

3 GB Roaming/month 

Roaming not included



Unlimited calls within Switzerland

Unlimited calls within Switzerland

• Unlimited calls within Switzerland

• 100 minutes into EU

Unlimited calls within Switzerland and the EU



30.-/ month

59.-/ month

79.-/ month

129.-/ month



No minimum contract period

• No minimum contract period

No minimum contract period

No minimum contract period




Swiss Plus

Smart Europe

Top Europe











Unlimited Internet

Unlimited Internet

Unlimited Internet 

Unlimited Internet


3 GB roaming 

1 GB/ month roaming

5 GB Roaming/month

Unlimited Roaming


Unlimited calls to Switzerland and EU.

Unlimited calls within Switzerland and 100 min. to Europe.

Unlimited calls within Switzerland

Unlimited calls within Switzerland


69.-/ month

69.-/ month

79.-/ month

99.-/ month


No minimum contract period

No minimum contract period

No minimum contract period

No minimum contract period  


Go! Internet

Go! S Internet

Go! max


Unlimited Internet within Switzerland.

Max. Download 21 Mbit/s; upload 8 Mbit/s. 

20 GB high-speed Internet within Switzerland.

Unlimited Internet within Switzerland.

Max. Download 2 Gbit/s; upload 300 Mbit/s.


CHF 39.-/month

CHF 29.-/month

CHF 59.-/month


yallo subscriptions for calls abroad and roaming

Starting at CHF 39 per month, you can purchase yallo international rates that include free call minutes, messages and data volume for abroad. You can find the following offers at yallo:

yallo Fat Plus

The yallo Fat Plus subscription includes unlimited calls and messages in Switzerland and 100 call minutes to Europe. In addition, you can surf unlimited within Switzerland. Furthermore, you have 300 call minutes and 3 GB in the EU, USA and Canada at your disposal per month. The subscription has no minimum contract period.

yallo Superfat XXL

With the yallo Superfat XXL subscription, you can make unlimited calls, send messages and surf the Internet every month in Switzerland, the EU, the USA and Canada. 

yallo data packages for on the go

You want a pure yallo data subscription? yallo currently offers three Internet-only subscriptions that allow you to surf on the go without any problems.

yallo Go! Internet

yallo Go! Internet is a yallo data tariff that provides you with unlimited data volume in Switzerland every month. The SIM card is available for all devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop). The yallo Go! Internet subscription has no minimum contract period.

yallo Go! S Internet

With the yallo Go! S Internet subscription, you get 20 GB of high-speed data volume every month for surfing in Switzerland. The SIM card is available for all devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop). The yallo data subscription has no minimum contract period.

yallo Go! S max

yallo Go! max is a yallo data tariff that provides you with unlimited data volume in Switzerland every month. The SIM card is available for all devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop). The yallo Go! max Internet subscription has no minimum contract period.

The right yallo subscription for your needs



Recommended services

Recommended yallo subscription

Low usage

Users Internet only at home and via WLAN networks

Up to 500 megabytes of data volume

• Slim Plus

• Swiss

Normal usage

• Music streaming

• A lot on WhatsApp 

• Occasional on social media

2 to 5 GB data volume

• Regular 

• PostPaid

Frequent usage

• Streaming video on the go

• Will not do without any application on the go

At least 5 GB data volume

• Regular Plus

• Swiss Plus

• Swiss XL

Frequent traveler

Regularly on the road in other European countries.

Roaming data included in the subscription

• Fat Plus

• Superfat Plus

• Superfat XXL

yallo Internet & TV Subscription Offers

yallo Home 4G

yallo Home 5G

yallo TV

yallo Home Fiber

• 80 - 300 Mbit surfing speed. 

• Surfing the 4G network

• Stable and well-developed networks. Via Line/Mobile over best mobile network.

• Hardware free of charge

• No technical support required for installation

• CHF 49.-/month

• One-time activation costs & SIM card: CHF 59.-

• 200 Mbit to 2GBit surfing speed.

• Surfing the 5G network
• yallo TV included
• Stable and well-developed networks. Via Line/Mobile over best mobile network.
• Hardware free of charge
• No technical support required for installation
• CHF 69.-/month

• One-time activation costs & SIM card: CHF 59.-

• Up to 5 devices simultaneously

• 270 channels in different languages - 
• 70 channels in Full HD and Dolby Digital.
• yallo TV Box one-time CHF 69.- 
• 7 days replay, live pause   
• 1000 broadcasts recordings 
• CHF 20.-/month

• Fiber optic technology with ultra-fast 10 GBit/sec. Down- and upload

• Super large switch with five Ethernet ports (4x 1GBASET and 1x 10GBASE-T)
• yallo TV
• CHF 39.-/month for mobile customers
• CHF 79.-/month for new customers
• CHF 99 Activation fee


In addition to the numerous yallo Mobile subscriptions with data volume, calls and text messages, yallo offers Internet subscriptions. Those subscriptions include plans for home and a combination subscription that includes Internet and TV subscription.

yallo Internet Subscription

Those who want fast Internet at home can do so without a cable connection thanks to the yallo Home Box. The yallo Home Box runs on the Sunrise mobile network. This means that the device can be easily used on the move and at a different location. The battery life of the box is about two hours. At home, it only needs electricity for use and can therefore also be set up at locations that have neither a telephone, fiber optic or TV connection.  
According to yallo, up to 64 devices can be connected to the yallo Home Box at the same time. The box also has a gigabit network port. Further the yallo Home Box has a SIM lock that can be removed after 12 months. Once the device has been paid off (12 or 24 months), it belongs to the customer. 

With yallo Home, you can choose between two different Internet speeds: 4G and 5G. If you are not satisfied with the performance, you have a 7-day return policy. 

yallo Home 4G

With the yallo Home 4G, you surf unlimited on the Sunrise 4G network. The maximum download speed is 250.0 Mbit/s. The special thing about yallo Home 4G is that data is not transferred via cable, but via the Sunrise mobile network. For this reason, no technician is required for installation. All you have to do is plug in the Internet box in your home, insert the SIM card and enter the WLAN password. You only need a few minutes and the Home Box is ready for use. The subscription costs CHF 49 per month, with a one-time activation fee of CHF 59. 

yallo Home 5G

Not satisfied with the speed of the 4G network? No problem, because yallo Home 5G gives you even faster Internet. With the yallo Home 5G Box, you can surf the ultra-fast 5G network and also access yallo TV. The box is ready for use within minutes and only needs to be plugged in at home. The yallo Home 5G subscription costs CHF 69 per month. There is a one-time activation fee of CHF 59. 

yallo TV

In addition to fast Internet, yallo now also offers a yallo TV subscription. This offer was developed by yallo together with the Swiss streaming service Wilmaa and allows you to receive more than 270 channels. Of these, over 70 are available in Full HD and Dolby Digital. At home, yallo TV can be used via the yallo TV Box. Alternatively, you can also access the program via the web browser and use it that way. In addition, an app is also available, which allows you to access yallo TV on your smartphone while on the go. With the same login, TV content can be streamed on up to 5 devices simultaneously. Additional features include: 7 days replay, live pause and recordings of up to 1000 shows.

yallo TV is an OTT offering, which stands for over-the-top content. This means that it offers video and audio content over the Internet without being tied to a specific Internet provider. 

To enjoy yallo TV on your TV at home, you can easily connect the box yourself. It is compatible with almost all TV models and only needs an HDMI connection. Popular streaming apps such as Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime are pre-installed on the TV box, but require an additional subscription to use them. 

This is how much the yallo TV subscription costs

You get the yallo TV subscription for CHF 20.- per month. However, if you already have a yallo Home Fiber or yallo Home 5G subscription, you get yallo TV for free. Additional costs are only incurred for the TV box, which costs CHF 69.-. 

yallo Bundle Subscription Offers

For fast Internet and TV in your home, yallo also offers a combined home subscription: yallo Home Max Fiber + TV. Find out more about the services included in this subscription below.  

yallo Home Max Fiber + TV

The yallo Home Max Fiber + TV subscription allows you to surf the Swiss 5G network. Unlike yallo Home, the Internet here runs via fiber-optic technology. Thus, the Internet speed is more constant and reaches up to 10 Gbit/s. The yallo Home Fiber Box acts as the router. In addition to the fast Internet, the yallo Home Fiber also includes the yallo TV subscription. 

The yallo Home Fiber subscription costs CHF 49.90.- per month for new customers and CHF 39.- for yallo Mobile customers. In addition, there is a one-time activation fee of CHF 99.-.

yallo Black Friday

Here you can find all Black Friday offers from yallo.

yallo reviews

User reviews


Other providers

49 ratings
Time to Install
Customer Service
User Experience
Correct Invoices
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